Press Release:
April 2005, Featured in

"The Forgiveness Forecast Announcer" Presents A Rio De Janeiro Retreat - "Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?"

Jacqueline Hazél, founder of Supreme Esteem, Inc.

Pembroke Pines, FL ( - A South Florida public speaker will lead a group of adult singles and couples in the ultimate forgiveness exercise "Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?" Thursday, September 1 through Thursday, September 8, 2005 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!

This excursion is the highlight of the third annual forgiveness retreat, which was started by Jacqueline Hazél, who also is known locally as "The Forgiveness Forecast Announcer" for her regular broadcast on radio.

Hazél, founder of Supreme Esteem, Inc., a motivational speaking firm, conducts lectures and workshops in the areas of self-esteem, drug abuse and professional/staff development for corporations and private groups in the United States, the Caribbean and now South America. She is a veteran educator and forgiveness is her niche.

Having authored a 30-day forgiveness journal and produced a forgiveness CD, Ms. Hazél states, "All of us have, somewhere in our memory banks, thoughts of unpleasant experiences about ourselves, other people and/or situations, which we have not forgiven. These unpleasant memories cause disruption in the family, grudges between friends and mistrust among business associates."

She explains that an unforgiving heart causes stagnation in life. "We cannot progress efficiently holding on to the past. It is in letting go that we free others and more importantly free ourselves," she said.

You will never be the same again as author, counselor, producer, speaker and metaphysical teacher extraordinaire, Jacqueline Hazél leads you in an unforgettable experience! Learn why, what, and how to forgive. Explore ways to maintain a prosperity consciousness as you enjoy the mystical country of Brazil.

Airfare from Miami, Florida, 5 Star Hotel (double occupancy), a Visa, Breakfast everyday, Rio by Night Samba Dinner Show, all Workshops/materials, and one Individual Session (optional) for the incredible price of $1,650. RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW! Call 954-392-3762, 305-801-8100, or e-mail, or log on to

PRESS CONTACT: Jacqueline Hazél, 954-392-3762 or 305-801-8100,





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